This is John Standridge’s musician page. The songs listed in MP3 format below feature him singing and playing keyboards and trumpet, mostly, but also display his arrangements of the music.
For his Blog, go to RV there yet. For his author sites, go to Amazon and Motherless Child Press.
For music downloads of previous albums, go to Daddy Kool, or Deezer, or Amazon for physical CDs (EarthSpirit and ConceptPeace). Or listen on Spotify.
Below, alphabetically, are some home recordings of cover songs, one by 17 Hippies, three by Leonard Cohen, and two by Aaron Standridge, who joins him on Fade. The next six are John Standridge origins.
Guest artists also include Shani Hedden (vocals) on Everybody Knows, Kay Smith (bass) on You Were Right, Mr. Prine, and Tommy Cotter (guitar) on God Said, Relationships, Rich Man, and We’re All Polar Bears, Now.
Across Waters
Everybody Knows
God Said
Next I am sharing six original songs.
I’m Not Looking
Rich Man
Seven Miles From Home
We’re All Polar Bears Now
You Were Right, Mr. Prine